My  360° approach

 Traditional Medicine is the base of all my work.

To this I add different methods of  complementary Medicine, like Manual Medicine, Osteopathy, Professional Applied Kinesiology, Posturology, Feldenkrais and others.

The combination of the methods, applied individually on each client, allows to find and treat the real cause of a pain, a movement problem or a postural problem.

Un approccio a 360 gradi, individualizzato ad ogni paziente, a tutti i problemi muscolo-scheletrici; unendo la medicina tradizionale come base di ogni esame medico con varie tecniche complementari, si riesce a trovare e trattare la vera causa dei dolori, dei problemi di postura o di movimento.

Professional Applied Kinesiology

Mainly used to diagnose: with specific neuromuscular tests it is possible to detect both harmful influences on health (so as functional blocks of joints, neuro-muscular malfunctioning, toxic pollution, food and drug intolerances and others) as the individually best way of treatment ( manual treatment, allopathic or naturopathic medicines and so on). PAK can be really helpful to understand and detect the real origin of a problem, and it can be a wonderful supplement or completion of a classical medical exam or therapy.
Today there exist more than 80 different schools of Applied Kinesiology. I practise the original method, found and created by Dr. George Goodheart and further developped by MDs and Chiropractors, close to traditional Medicine, with which it integrates perfectly, increasing the possibilities of diagnosing and treatment of somatic dysfunctions.


The scientific approach to human posture and its adaptations in space, and to connected problems. It studies balance and stability or instability of positioning in space.

With postural analysis we can determine the existence and the causes of clinical problems like back pains, limb pains, vertigo or other balance problems and some kinds of headaches.
Posturology considers itself a science, based on the latest findings in neurophysiological research. It considers itself a “holistic” science because it always looks at the entire body and at the different possibilities of “disturbing input” on posture


Man is an inseparable unit; Osteopathy is interested in its physiological-anatomical-psycological functioning.
That is why the osteopathic diagnostic techniques and the osteopathic manual therapies are so useful in the treatment of musculo-scheletal problems, postural problems, functional problems of the organs, the hormonal and the nervous system and of the craniosacral system. The osteopathic therapist is aware both of the connections between these systems as also of mechanisms that can disturb one of the systems, influencing so by reflex also the others. Osteopathy is a wonderful supplement or completion of classical medicine.
I’m trained in the European form of Osteopathy which includes parietal (treatment of muscles and articulations), visceral (treatment of organs and connective tissue) and cranio-sacral techniques.


The Feldenkrais method is neither a treatment nor a cure but a study. The “student” learns the become more aware of her/his own body, discovering a vast amount of possibilities of executing the same movement. This then allows to learn which of the many possibilities might be better for this specific body. There are two techniques:
1.) “Awareness Through Movement”, ATM : group lessions; the teacher gives verbal instructions, the students do small movements, becoming aware of what happens in the body. This allows them to find possibilities which are different to the ones executed “automatically”.
2.)“Functional Integration”, FI: individual session, the teacher guides the body of the student with his hands.

With these techniques the student will not simply improve posture, but will do that in an individual way, finding the optimal posture for HER/HIS body. Feldenkrais works a lot with breathing. As the diaphragm is connected to many other structures in the body, this will give a general improvement of relaxation and muscular coordination.
I use sometimes only the principles of Feledenkrais in my work, without teaching the method.

Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular Medicine

Also called orthomolecular therapy. Prescription of vitamines, minerals, aminoacids, non saturated fatty acids, sometimes organ extracts, and other supplements.
In some pathological situations or in case of dysbalanced nutrition with consecutive intestinal malabsorption we can find a situation of lack of specific nutrients, which may create dysfunction of the immunitary, the hormonal or the digestive systems. With the Applied Kinesiology tests it is possible to find out the individual lacks of substances which then get integrated.


Regulation of the stimulation through the neurovegetative nervous system. Subcutaneous injections of small amounts of local anestetics or/and homeopathic medicines in scar tissues or reflex points; intramuscular injections in case of trigger points or strong contractions, and others. Very helpful in both acute or chronic pain.

Injury Recall Technique (IRT)

Most of our movements are executed by automatic schemes which the body has learned through the years. In case of trauma (physical, emotional or biochemical) a “normal” and “healthy” scheme can be altered. If the trauma is strong enough, this alteration may continue even after the healing of the original trauma, creating so secondary problems. Very often these altered schemes create symptoms which are difficult to understand (“I didn’t hurt myself before this pain started, I don’t understand where it comes from”), the doctor finds little or nothing and therapies don’t work or just for a short time.
With IRT it is not only possible to identify the altered scheme, but also to treat it and bring it back to “normal”, taking away pain, contraction, movement or postural problems. It is a very soft technique which can be used at all ages.